Developing risk areas for litigation- horizon scanning

Together we are Forbes


14 May, 2021

Risk management has never been so important, and to thrive, educational establishments need to be prepared to embrace the challenge of identifying areas of risk, and then working to creatively manage them. Any establishment prepared to identify and mitigate risk will create a healthy culture that facilitates the achievement of strategic objectives and inspires confidence in those looking to attend, work, support or invest.

An additional benefit is that good risk management reduces the risk of litigation. Claims can be defeated where good risk processes, associated paperwork and operational practice can be evidenced.

Key risk areas which Forbes consider worth of consideration fall into the following categories;

  • Data management & online security
  • The impact of BREXIT and COVID-19 on international students, staffing, research funding, supply chains and business generally
  • The management and effect of online learning on staff, students, grades and the consequential impact on infrastructure & estates
  • The impact of COVID-19 on reduced face-to-face teaching and 'loss of the university experience'
  • The potential for litigation for perceived failures to educate
  • The potential for demands of refunds for tuition fees. Students increasingly see themselves as consumers and expect value for money in an often competitive and challenging environment
  • Behaviour and discipline within schools and associated brand reputation. An institution's reputation can secure or deny it future students, research grants, and future investment.
  • Mental health and wellbeing

Forbes Education Team have the expertise to advise on these issues in advance, and to handle litigation should it be intimated. Do get in touch if we can be of assistance.

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