Archived Legal Articles from 2024

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Commercial Litigation


Life Cycle of a Claim - Article Two - Issuing Proceedings


Each case is different; the steps required, and the litigation timetable followed will depend on the facts and circumstances and the dispute. There are also factors that cannot be predicted in advance, such as actions taken by the Defendant, evidence that emerges during the case, directions or orders…

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Non-payment of fees - what steps should schools take?


As an independent school, there is an inherent risk that parents may not pay fees that they have agreed to pay. This could be down to a multitude of factors. Below are set out steps to take to ensure that any non-payment is picked up expeditiously. Process The first step would be to have a…

Life Cycle of a Claim for Breach of Contract - Article One - Pre Action


Contracts are the foundation of all business transactions. They formulate agreements with customers, suppliers, and other third parties. Ideally, a contract would be properly drafted and will clearly identify the terms and what is expected from each party, for the contract to be performed. Many…

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Navigating Construction Disputes in 2024: A Look at Emerging Trends


The construction industry has always been dynamic, adapting to economic shifts, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. As we step into 2024, it's crucial for construction professionals to be mindful of emerging trends that might impact the landscape of construction disputes. This…

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