Ayesha Daya

Ayesha Daya

Paralegal, Commercial

Location Central Lancashire

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About Ayesha

Ayesha is a Paralegal in the Commercial department assisting John Pickervance, Daniel Fletcher and Katie Lee with their case load in all aspects of Commercial Law. She is involved with assisting in the drafting of commercial contracts governing both the provisions of goods and services for businesses and consumers but also helps assist with various other types of commercial contract. Ayesha also assists with making amendments to documents, as well as assisting on intellectual property and information technology matters.

Ayesha has been at Forbes since 2021 and from her time at Forbes, Ayesha has gained quality experience in all areas of Commercial law and has also gained a training contract with Forbes which is due to begin in September 2024.

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Contacting Us

Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed