Immigration for the Construction Sector

Our team offers advice that is tailored to your business, with the aim of solving any challenges in your organisation regarding staffing or employment issues. We do so by providing you with the support you need to recruit overseas/migrant workers in the construction sector.

More about Immigration for the Construction Sector

We have specific knowledge and experience of the UK Visas and Immigration system and work with organisations who employ foreign nationals from all over the world. We advise on all elements of the sponsored visa process, from the initial sponsor licence application for the employer, through to providing a full service on obtaining a work visa for the new employee. We work with you to understand your needs and assist with navigating through complex immigration laws, ensuring that you are in compliance with them.

With the construction sector facing severe recruitment challenges and struggling to recruit suitable employees from within the UK, many businesses are successfully utilising overseas recruitment as part of their strategy to take advantage of a wider labour market.

There are numerous roles in which you can hire migrant workers once you become a sponsor licence holder, including: project management, engineering roles and quantity surveyors. Some roles including civil engineers, architects and welding trades are listed on the shortage occupation list. This means you will incur reduced visa fees as the job will fall under a shortage occupation in the UK.

We can support organisations across the sector, no matter what services you provide. Whether you are an employer, contractor or consultant working on commercial or residential projects or railways, roads and bridges, we can guide you through the process from beginning to end in a professional manner.

Our dedicated Construction & Infrastructure team

Adam Bromley.jpg

Partner & Head of Property, Commercial Property

Adam Bromley

Emma Swan.jpg

Partner and Divisional Lead: Commercial Division, leadership-operations

Emma Swan

John Pickervance.jpg

Partner and Head of Department, Commercial

John Pickervance

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