more than law

More About Forbes

At Forbes, we promise you will feel different about the law. With us, it’s more personal. More straightforward. More of what you really want from a solicitor.

Clear and actionable advice you can rely on; empowered, supported and informed every step of the way. That’s the ‘more’ you’ll get from Forbes.

Forbes people

We have specialists in most aspects of the law. Our dedicated experts go above and beyond to ensure you receive the best possible service and attention. Our friendly, inclusive approach builds confidence, so you feel supported and reassured.

More than experts

Our team features prominently in the top legal directories (Legal 500 & Chambers) and has Investors in People recognition, demonstrating excellence in both client service and staff development.

How can we help?

Complete the form and let us know a few details, one of our team will get back to you shortly. Or you can call us or request a callback.

0800 689 3206 - Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00

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© 2024 Forbes Solicitors is the trading name of Forbes Solicitors LLP Offices in Preston, Manchester, Salford, Blackburn, Blackpool, London and Leeds UK Main Office: Rutherford House, 4 Wellington Street (St Johns), Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 8DD • Vat No: 174 394 344 Forbes Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No. 816356). Details of the SRA’s Standards and Regulations can be found here.

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