Inquests and Legal Proceedings for the Care Sector

Our specialist team can support and advise clients from simple cases to complex article 2 jury inquests.

More about Inquests and Legal Proceedings

Dealing with inquests and the coronial court process is complex and often stressful. Any Local Authority, Care Home, institution or corporate entity having to deal with a death will have both the practical and procedural concerns but also staff required to give evidence and in need of support.

Forbes Solicitors expert inquest lawyers support and advise clients from simple cases to complex article 2 jury inquests. We provide support in drafting witness statements, liaising with the Coroner's Office, representation at hearings and advice on avoiding Prevention of Future Death reports. We also assist to minimise reputational damage where possible and advise and support with media and communications strategy.

Forbes Solicitors have represented clients in numerous high-profile inquests of the utmost sensitivity and are therefore well aware of the ramifications for clients. That said, should there have been failings in the actions taken by clients, we work with them to create improvement action plans and risk management training.

Linking with our Regulatory team here at Forbes, we are able to provide fully rounded support to clients who may also face HSE or CQC investigations as a consequence of a death, ensuring that their best interests are served and staff supported

Our dedicated Care team

Kella Bowers.jpg

Partner and Head of Social Care, Insurance

Kella Bowers

John Myles.jpg

Partner, Insurance

John Myles


Partner and Head of Regulatory, Insurance

Ridwaan Omar

Adam Bromley.jpg

Partner & Head of Property, Commercial Property

Adam Bromley

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