Separating parents urged to avoid courtroom conflict as Family Mediation Week kicks off in the North West

Gill Carr
Gill Carr

Published: January 10th, 2023

7 min read

Parents living in the North West who have decided to separate or divorce in 2023 are being urged to find out how to avoid courtroom confrontation to settle money and parenting arrangements, with the launch of Family Mediation Week, 16 - 20 January.

January usually sees a dramatic rise in the number of parents deciding to live apart as the various pressures that go hand-in-hand with the Christmas period act as a final straw for relationships.

Gill Carr, Solicitor at Forbes Solicitors, which serves the North West and beyond says "Family Mediation Week is designed to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation, a process that can help ex-partners agree what works for them, whilst avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay and cost it can bring.

"Many parents emerge from the festive period feeling defeated by the pressures on relationships and finances that have been highlighted during the holiday period.

"Here in the North West we find parents in this position simply don't know which way to turn. Their life-changing decision to separate brings with it so many tough questions:

  • Who lives where?

  • Where will the children live, and how will we make sure we each spend time with them?

  • How will we sort money?

  • What about debts and pensions?

  • And even the family dog?

"Family Mediation Week shines a helpful spotlight on these tricky issues, offering separating parents information about their options as they look to make arrangements for parenting, property and finance.

"Family mediation is a process where an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps you work these things out, enabling you to avoid courtroom confrontation. Professional mediators help empower you to create long-term solutions for your particular circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions for your family."

Legal Aid remains available for family mediation.

Family Mediation Week is organised by the Family Mediation Council (FMC), a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to promote the use of family mediation for the benefit of the public. The FMC does not offer mediation itself.

To find out more about mediation click here.

For further information please contact Gill Carr

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