HR Complete Training: Equality and Diversity

Online via Zoom

April 23rd, 2024

Published: April 13th, 2024

9:30am - 11:00am

About this session:

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is essential for any workplace, both from a cultural and legal perspective. Being an inclusive organisation is essential to attract and retain the best talent, where people feel respected and comfortable to be themselves. There are also legal requirements to consider, as discriminatory practices can lead to grievances being raised and claims being brought against the company, which can be time consuming and costly.

This course will look at all aspects of EDI and ensure that you are provided with all of the tools for your business to thrive and be a company where people feel proud of where they work.

If you are a HR Complete/ In-House HR retainer client you are able to book two free places, additional places can then be booked at a discounted rate. Please email to get your Zoom link for your free, or additional places. If you are not a HR Complete/ In-House HR retainer client it is £75.00+VAT per delegate, per training session.

By placing an order to attend our training course you agree and acknowledge that:

  • this shall constitute an order that we reserve the right to either accept or reject and that this shall not be deemed to have been accepted until such time as we issue our written confirmation; and

  • if we accept your order, we shall invoice for the applicable fee which shall remain payable in full notwithstanding that a delegate or delegates were unable to attend the training course.

Book your place here

£75 excluding VAT

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