Lawyers for Liberty- Anti Vax campaign for pupils

Together we are Forbes


14 September, 2021

Lucy Harris

Some of you may have seen or heard of a new campaign driven by Lawyers for Liberty, a non politically affiliated organisation with a human rights agenda.

Generic letters have been circulating to a number of Headteachers threatening legal action against Schools who they believe are;

'positively promoting and encouraging the Covid 19 vaccination (the Vaccination) for children aged 12 years and over, without parental consent, parent consultation, a health & safety assessment or a full risk analysis…'

Liberty for Lawyers cite retired Consultant Paediatrician Dr Ros Jones, who believes that the Government's proposals to administer COVID 19 vaccines to children raises 'substantial and serious safety and ethical concerns.'

They state that if a medical intervention is mandated or if an individual is coerced or manipulated into providing consent, then they consider this to be an indirect violation of their human rights/ indirect violation of the principle of informed consent.

It appears that any parent/carer of a school aged child who believes their child is being persuaded to have the vaccine can ask Lawyers for Liberty to send the letter to the School and keep their own identity anonymous. Any concerned parent who requests help will be added to their Whistleblowers Register. They refer to this as creating an 'insurance' to prove that the School were informed of informed consent procedures (date and time recorded).

Forbes Solicitors LLP are aware of the campaign and have provided advice about it.

If you/ your School have been contacted by Lawyers for Liberty and are concerned about this issue, do contact the Forbes Education Team Lucy Harris who can advise you on what steps you ought to be considering.

For more information contact Lucy Harris in our Education department via email or phone on 01254 222443. Alternatively send any question through to Forbes Solicitors via our online Contact Form.

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