Another blow to 'Sling The Mesh ' litigants.

Leonie Millard
Leonie Millard

Published: June 9th, 2023

7 min read

Dozens of women who have received disastrous pelvic mesh implants have been left unrepresented following intervention of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) into the owner of Fortitude Law, Darren Harrison. The campaign, 'Sling The Mesh' voices the suffering experienced by women who have experienced issues following the use of mesh implants to repair pelvic organ prolapse and stress incontinence, usually following child birth. The use of these implants has led to lifechanging complications.

In 2020 the Cumberlege review recommended a redress system for compensating victims that should not feel like a battle. Despite the findings there has been no commitment by a Government to immediate action on compensation. It is hoped that this summer the report from Patient Safety Commissioner and the Patient Minister will address this issue, and also whether financial redress will be afforded to baby's harmed when their mothers' took sodium valproate, the epilepsy drug, during pregnancy.

The campaign was launched in 2015 by Cath Sansom, a journalist. They argue that patients were not warned about the dangers associated with the mesh by surgeons or manufacturers.

Not only do the charity Sling The Mesh raise awareness of the risks of mesh surgery, but they also provide support for victims on their social media platform and on the website.

For further information please contact Leonie Millard

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