Claire Opacic

Partner, Insurance

Claire Opacic



Claire has worked in the defendant personal injury sector since qualifying as a solicitor in 2005. She specialises in handling large and complex employers liability and public liability claims. She has regularly handled cases involving suggestions of chronic pain, and as well as dealing with claims featuring head injuries, amputations or fatalities.

Claire has experience working for a number of major insurers, dealing with claims across a range of industries including construction, manufacturing and the utilities sectors. As such she is very familiar with the issues that may arise between multiple parties and the contractual disputes such claims can involve. In addition she has worked directly for a number of corporate clients, particularly those within the retail sector, and as such is very familiar with the challenges they face.

In addition to dealing with complicated quantum issues, Claire is also experienced in dealing with matters involving complex legal issues too and examples of reported decisions include Cook v Virgin Media \[2015\]EWCA Civ 1287 and Rengasamy v Homebase Ltd \[2015\] EWHC 618.

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