Daniel Milnes

Partner, Governance, Procurement & Information

Daniel Milnes


My awards and achievements

Dan has extensive experience in supporting government bodies, housing associations, schools, colleges and all types of charities and businesses on a wide range of matters in his specialist fields of governance, procurement and information law with a focus on understanding our clients' objectives and priorities to provide accessible and applicable advice.

This involves advising regularly on the legal aspects of setting up and operating, merging, transferring and closing different types of legal entities and groups including the application of sector specific regulatory rules, charity law and company law. His contracting and projects experience includes joint ventures, development and construction agreements, management, professional services and intellectual property and IT contracts. He works with organisations at all stages of procurement processes from contract design and specification through selection, award, contract management and enforcement. He also advises on debt and grant funding agreements (including subsidy control) as well as private and government funded investments.

As the firm's Data Protection Officer Dan has a particular interest in Data Protection and other information law as it applies to all sorts of organisations. As well as advising and drafting documents, Dan is often involved in the production and delivery of training inside the firm, for clients and more widely for sector groups.

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