Lucy Whittaker

Solicitor, Family/Divorce

Lucy Whittaker


My awards and achievements

Lucy is a Solicitor who qualified in May 2022. She is based at the Preston office, and specialises in all aspects of family law including Divorce, financial remedy, private Children Law Act matter and injunctions.

I split with the mother of my child in April and for a while she was making my relationship with my daughter extremely difficult. I had text messages ignored, access denied, abused, belittled and told that being a dad is just a title. Lucy was fantastic in the help and support she gave me throughout the whole proccess which was extremely stressful and in the end I was happy with the outcome and I now can be a father to my little girl. I never got the feeling I was being dealt with as 'just another client' and I felt there was a personal touch from Lucy which was huge in helping me.


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