Ruth Rule-Mullen

Partner and Head of Public Sector Employment, Employment & HR

Ruth Rule-Mullen

My awards and achievements

Ruth is Head of the Public Sector Employment team which is nationally recognised for its significant experience of working with clients predominantly in the education, housing and local authority sectors across the North West and nationally.

Ruth has specialised in employment law for over 22 years; has led the team since 2018 following involvement in the team's inception and growth since 2014. She delivers sound strategic advice from a position of knowledge and experience, with an impressive understanding of the sector and the specific challenges public sector clients face.

Ruth is frequently recognised by clients and contacts within the education and public sectors as someone who is a more than able communicator; direct, decisive, and pragmatic and is sought out by clients for her approachability and her ability to work with them to provide solutions. She advises on the more complex matters where experience is needed in managing clients' teams; their trade union relations; their reputational risks; and has a sound understanding of the need for value in line with public sector principles and how clients utilise public money

Excellent advice and flexible service, to meet our business needs.


Ruth, Joshua and their team have supported us on some very difficult matters which we did not have the in-house expertise to deal with. They have been diligent, thoughtful and comprehensive in their advice and quick to respond under pressure. They have already guided us to a successful conclusion on several matters and are continuing to help us, having built up a good knowledge of our organisation.


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