Public Sector

The Forbes Public Sector Group is made up of lawyers who have extensive experience in dealing with all forms of public sector organisations.

More about Public Sector

The Group includes members from the employment, housing, dispute resolution, corporate, commercial, commercial property and insurance departments. With over 100 public sector clients across the firm our lawyers have the necessary expertise and resources to meet a wide range of public sector client requirements. Clients include:

  • Local authorities;

  • Housing associations;

  • Emergency services;

  • LEAs;

  • LA arms length organisations;

  • Schools, universities and colleges.

Our dedicated Public Sector team


Partner, Governance, Procurement & Information

Daniel Milnes

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Partner, Governance, Procurement & Information

Gemma Duxbury

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Partner, Head of Housing and Regeneration (Litigation), Housing & Regeneration

Siobhan Hardy

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© 2024 Forbes Solicitors is the trading name of Forbes Solicitors LLP Offices in Preston, Manchester, Salford, Blackburn, Blackpool, London and Leeds UK Main Office: Rutherford House, 4 Wellington Street (St Johns), Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 8DD • Vat No: 174 394 344 Forbes Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA No. 816356). Details of the SRA’s Standards and Regulations can be found here.

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