Archived Legal Articles from 2023

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Limits to your liability for outside spaces


Many businesses within the retail or leisure industry will own or control outside spaces in addition to their more obvious internal premises but when are you liable for ensuring that the outside spaces you own or control are safe? You may assume that the answer is always but in fact the law is not so…

Product Liability for Retailers


The focus of product liability literature is often on manufacturers but, whilst retailers may often be able to escape liability due to the provisions of s. 2 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987, there are still scenarios in which a retailer may be found liable. As such it is sensible to ensure that you…

Winter is coming


But rather than just being a famous Game of Thrones motto, this phrase should also be a reminder that now is a key time to consider the preparation for your business with regards to winter weather risks. These types of issue arise each year but accidents continue to take place and claims succeed. It may…

Costs changes affecting the retail industry


As you may have seen within the press or on our website the rules in respect of costs in civil matters changed in October 2023. My colleague Siobhan Hardy issued an article in October summarising the changes which is linked here but by way of brief summary fixed costs now apply for civil cases up to a…

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