Keeping Children Safe in Education

Together we are Forbes


19 October, 2018

An updated version of Keeping Children Safe in Education came into force on 3 September 2018. Annex H on pages 104-111 of Keeping Children Safe in Education sets out the changes in full and is a helpful starting point for school leaders and governors.

In accordance to Part 1, all staff working in schools are required to read at least this first part of Keeping Children Safe in Education. In particular, staff must be aware of the behaviour policy and safeguarding response to children missing education, the role and identity of the DSL and any deputies. If staff have any concerns about a child's welfare, they should act on them immediately

In accordance to Part 2, the board level lead for safeguarding should sit at governing board or proprietor level. Schools must work with the local authority (LA), a clinical commissioning group for an area within the LA, and the chief officer of police for a police area in the LA area as safeguarding partners.

Recruitment is dealt with in Part 3 and allegations of abuse made against teachers and other staff at Part 4. Part 4 makes it clear that the guidance is also applicable to volunteers.

Part 5 is new and provides guidance on how schools should respond to reports of child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment. The 13-page section explains what schools should do immediately after such a report. In summary, schools must decide whether to:

  • Manage the case internally
  • Seek early help with a multi-agency approach
  • Refer to children's social care
  • Report the case to the police

Annex A provides new information on:

  • Children and the court system
  • Children with family members in prison
  • County lines
  • Domestic abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Peer-on-peer abuse
  • Sexual violence and sexual harassment

It also provides additional context for honour based violence (HBV) and the preventing radicalisation guidance now focuses on what staff should be doing and considering.

A review of school procedures and policies is essential in light of the changes and clarifications offered by the Department for Education. If schools have any questions or concerns, they can contact the Education Team at Forbes Solicitors.

For more information contact Jonathan Holden in our Education department via email or phone on 01772 220396 / 07976 278888. Alternatively send any question through to Forbes Solicitors via our online Contact Form.

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