Archived Legal Articles from 2023

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Construction & Infrastructure


The Building Safety Act (2022) - A Year On


The introduction of the Building Safety Act 2020 (BSA) is a significant milestone in ensuring the safety and integrity of residential and commercial properties. One of the corner stones of the BSA is the "Golden Thread" principle, which means that the right people have the right…

The Building Safety Regulator


Established in response to the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, the Building Safety Act 2022 (the BSA) introduces sweeping reforms that directly affect the construction industry. A cornerstone of these reforms is the establishment of a new Building Safety Regulator (the BSR). This article delves…

Building Safety Act - the Lifting of the Corporate Veil


The building safety act 2022 ("BSA, the Act") was conceived and enforced following the Grenfell tower tragedy. Grenfell brought to light the lack of accountability in the current system. BSA has been introduced in order to secure the safety of residents, and to improve building standards…

The Building Safety Act (2022) - Where are we now?


The Building Safety Act (2022) (BSA) is a significant piece of legislation for the Construction industry in the wake of the Grenfell Fire tragedy. The impetus here is to ensure that Construction projects are carried out to the appropriate specifications in line with health and safety regulations, and…

Exciting news for the Construction workers and Construction industry


On the 17 July 2023 the Government published a new Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules. The statement contains several changes, the most relevant in the construction sector being the changes to the Skilled Worker visa Shortage Occupations List. The Shortage Occupations List includes jobs that…

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Environmental Considerations for the Construction Sector


It is becoming ever more paramount in the construction sector for the uptake of improved standards in how energy efficient projects need to be. It's well known that construction does generate a lot of waste. In spite of the difficulties to completely eradicate environmental consequences from…

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Are Traditional Contracts Compatible with Modern Methods of Construction?


This article will explore the compatibility of traditional contracts, such as the JCT and NEC4 suites, with modern methods of construction (MMC). What contractual provisions should be implemented when drafting amends to these contracts, and more specifically the potential issues which off-site…

The Challenges of Sustainable Construction


The construction industry has a critical role to play in addressing climate change and sustainability concerns and to secure the future of construction, the industry must adopt sustainable construction methods, minimise construction waste and adopt environmentally responsible practices. Throughout 2023…

Modern Methods of Construction


Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) are increasingly seen as revolutionising the construction industry, presenting both opportunities and challenges for landowner and property lawyers. In recent years, there have been notable developments in lease agreements that reflect the evolving landscape of MMC…

'B Corporation' and Modern Methods of Construction (MMC)


With an ever increasing focus on sustainability across the world, we are seeing many companies within the construction industry moving away from traditional construction practices and more towards the off-site Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). Complementary to this is the certification as B…

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The Importance of Collateral Warranties & their Drafting


Collateral warranties are important where a direct contractual link does not exist between parties involved in a construction project. Without these in place, should any defects or issues arise with works or services carried out, beneficiaries will be required to pursue third parties via a claim for…

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Environmental initiatives for property in 2023


Sustainability and decarbonisation targets to remain at the top of the agenda for UK construction throughout 2023, and here we look at some areas of legislation and initiatives that are set to influence the real estate sector in the next 12 months. Biodiversity Net Gain for Developments In an…

Shared Loop Systems - an answer to the energy crisis?


The ever-increasing prices of energy costs, volatile supply chains and worsening climate crisis have highlighted a need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels - the use of ground source heat pumps is expected to play a key role in doing so. Ground source heat pumps, sometimes referred to as a…

Recruitment in the renewable energy sector: The skills gap challenge


The shortage of skilled workers within the UK has far-reaching implications throughout the renewable energy sector. As new technology sees the sector advance, the openings for skilled workers continue to increase, with organisations fearing that failure to source candidates with the necessary skills…

Renewable Energy and the rise of Commercial Disputes


As we have all seen in recent years, there is a level of uncertainty across all industries and some industries are inevitably more impacted than others including those involved with manufacturing or shipping. We have all seen issues impacting us both in our personal and professional lives. With the…

Litigation Risks in Renewable Energy


When American Scientist Charles F Brush invented the first turbine to harness the power of the wind to generate electricity, he might not quite have appreciated that, over 130 years later, hundreds of migratory birds would meet their doom by absent-mindedly piling into the blades of modern iterations of…

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